May 25, 2022
2022-2023 Teacher Negotiations Update
The District and GRTA held their first negotiations meeting on May 25, 2022, for 2022-2023 contract reopeners.
The District and GRTA both shared that each team required more time to consider State budgetary information for the 2022-2023 school year, which is currently in flux. Although the Governor’s May revise announced a COLA increase of 6.56%, it is uncertain at this point if that figure will change.
The District also presented its initial proposal for Articles 14 (Teacher’s Work Year) and 15 (Teaching Day). Specifically, under Article 14 the District is proposing to add two Professional Development days to the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year on August 4 and 5, 2022. These added days would provide unit members an opportunity to earn extra income when participating in professional development on August 4, and classroom preparation on August 5. As for Article 15, the District’s proposal provides educational benefits to students with more instructional time by adding 13 minutes to the work day, describing preparation periods, and encouraging instructional planning days each semester.
The District and GRTA also continued their negotiations for a new Article 25 for Counselors, which are now part of the GRTA unit. The District’s proposal ensures counselor services for students are maintained at the same level by continuing the 7:30 am to 4:00 pm work day for Counselors in the 2022-2023 school year. Since the District is proposing no change in the work day, the District’s proposal also maintains the status quo for counselor pay, Master’s stipend, and benefits by establishing a separate salary and benefits schedule for Counselors. (Counselors were previously on the Management salary and benefits schedules.) The District’s proposal also applies all applicable articles under the GRTA contract to Counselors.
The District and GRTA will continue negotiations on May 26, 2022. We look forward to a productive meeting tomorrow. GUSD always appreciates our working relationship with GRTA.